Meet The Lost Girls's girl getaway gurus, The Lost Girls.
Meet's girl getaway gurus: The Lost Girls. Amanda Pressner, Jennifer Baggett and Holly Corbett, also known as The Lost Girls, left their jobs, boyfriends, apartments and everything familiar behind in NYC to embark on a yearlong, round-the-world search for adventure and inspiration. Journeying across 4 continents and more than a dozen countries, these best friends shared their experiences with other aspiring vagabonds on their website,

Shortly after completing a 60,000-mile lap around the globe, The Lost Girls signed on with HarperCollins to turn their tales into a travel memoir, The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World. Shortly after publication, their book and story were optioned by Warner Bros. Studio and producer Jerry Bruckheimer for television.

Between working on their second book and overseeing their website -- now a thriving online community and information resource for women travelers -- The Lost Girls still find the time to take trips as a trio. Next stops: Puerto Rico, Prague and Nepal. Jennifer and Amanda reside in NYC, while fellow LG Holly lives upstate in Syracuse, NY.

Watch The Lost Girls' web series: Lost in NYC.
Lost Girl Jennifer Baggett
The queen of extremes, Jen throws herself wholeheartedly into the task at hand, whipping up a travel expense spreadsheet one moment, rocking out at one of Rio de Janeiro’s underground favela funk parties the next. A dedicated film buff, Jen’s passport is full of destinations she selected based on movies she loved as a kid. Woe is the Lost Girl who wakes this night owl before 10 a.m. without a good excuse and a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

She's addicted to adventure and adrenaline. There's no bungee jump she won't do, or rainforest trail she won't hike. She's also the first one to hear about a local pub crawl, underground lounge or secret beach (and encourage the other LGs to go!).

One thing she’d never travel without: “My fellow Lost Girls! And a good book for a long train, plane, bus or rickshaw ride.”

Her favorite way to “get lost”: “Disconnecting from all email and internet and being willing to abandon even the best-laid travel plan for a spontaneous adventure!”
Lost Girl Holly Corbett
As the resident bohemian and group peacemaker, Holly has a sunny and positive approach to life. But that doesn’t mean she’s a pushover: When it comes to politics and social issues, she takes a stand and doesn’t back down. From spiritual pursuits to new forms of exercise, she’s willing to try almost anything that challenges her mind and body.

She’s fitness-focused and believes the best way to explore a new place is to jog or bike ride through it. Holly is also into the spiritual side of any destination -- how the locals connect with nature, family and their communities -- and seeks out authentic cultural experiences.

One thing she’d never travel without: “My running shoes.”

Her favorite way to “get lost”: “To make friends with a local and wander around a new town without an agenda or map.”
Lost Girl Amanda Pressner
Instigator for the big ideas (such as taking the trip and launching the Lost Girls website) Amanda is happy to turn over detail planning to Holly and Jen and simply enjoy the ride once everyone’s on board. She’s the first to take charge when it comes to matters of bargaining for a fair price, getting the best possible hotel room and verbally defending the group against unwanted advances. When it's time to get tough, though, the tough get Amanda.

She loves exploring funky up-and-coming neighborhoods, hotels and events in big cities such as Bangkok, Lima and Sydney. Amanda spends lots of time chatting with local store owners, artists, restaurateurs and performers about how they're shaping the landscape of their hometowns.

One thing she’d never travel without: “A universal memory card reader (for snagging my fellow travelers’ pics!).”

Her favorite way to “get lost”: “Hour-long $3 reflexology treatments in Laos.”

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