The Lost Girls
Meet Travel Channel's girl getaway gurus, The Lost Girls.
Travel junkies, on-the-fly foodies and real-life best buds, Amanda, Jen and Holly spend every spare moment seeking out life-changing adventures throughout the US and around the world.
Their journey together began when The Lost Girls decided to quit their jobs and New York City lives in order to embark on yearlong, 60,000-mile circumnavigation of the globe. Voyaging across four continents and more than a dozen countries, these friends dove headlong into exotic new experiences, sampling the best—and the weirdest!—of what the world had to offer.
Theirs was an odyssey so rewarding, and so addicting, that they vowed to never stop exploring or traveling as a trio. Now, they’re jumping on planes (and occasionally, out of them), climbing mountains and tumbling over waterfalls on behalf of the Travel Channel.
Amanda, Jen and Holly are the co-authors of The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World.
When they’re not wandering the planet, they’re getting into mischief on their home turf in New York or running in bridesmaid dresses for charity.
Find out more about The Lost Girls, and make sure you stay tuned for more budding new talent on

Lost Girls' Borneo Taste Tour
Lost Girls' Love for Diving
Lost Girls Get Lost in NYC
Lost Girls Rock Climb in NYC
Lost Girls Brazilian Moves
Lost Girls' Taste of Chinatown
Meet Lost Girl: Amanda
Meet Lost Girl: Holly
Meet Lost Girl: Jen

The Lost Girls in Borneo
The Lost Girls' Borneo Gear Guide
The Lost Girls' Gift Guide

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