Extreme Snowstorms
It may be a winter gone mild, but that doesn’t mean we’re in the clear. Check out the year’s most extreme snowstorms (and those from winters gone by) and brush up on some snow survival tips.
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This brave jogger makes her way past the Brooklyn Bridge in the morning snow. When Jack Frost hits, plan your own jog for midday, when the sun is high up. Also, don’t forget to rehydrate; all those extra layers of clothing will make you sweat even more.
The February 2010 North American blizzard, aka Snowmaggedon, dumped 20 to 35 inches of snow across the Northeast, bringing highways to a halt. Here, one DC-area resident treks by the White House on skis.
When there’s a severe winter storm, factor in bus delays or detours. Probably a good idea for passengers of these 2 buses stuck in the Milwaukee snow.
When all the city’s covered in snow, it’s time for a snowball fight. That’s what these guys did in Times Square for 45 minutes.
These snow-covered trees in Rockville, MD, may look pretty. But all that snow bearing down on them can break tree limbs -- and come crashing through a house roof or window. Use an extension pole, like those used by house painters, to wipe the snow away. Just make sure no electric power lines are around.
The winter flurries are the perfect excuse for a snow game: jump snow hurdles, rope tow, flag in a snow stack, and of course, a good ole game of football, like this one in front of the US Capitol in February 2010.
Maybe not the best idea: parking your car beside a big tree before a snowstorm hits, as one driver did in Worcester, MA, in October 2011.
The snow experts agree: Tap the branches of your property’s trees with a broom soon after snow falls or even as it accumulates, so you’re not left with heavy, icy tree limbs later on. That's what this woman is doing after a snowstorm in Louisville, CO.
These 2 guys are looking for a place to build a snowboard ramp, after a snowstorm the previous night in Boulder, CO. If you’ve got the snowboarding itch, wear a helmet with adjustable inner pads for a custom fit.
Who needs the Alpine slopes? This Seattle-area resident sees the heavy snowfall as an opportunity to ski cross-country from his home in Kirkland to Bellevue, WA, a 20-mile round trip. Get a non-bulky insulated pair of gloves for skiing ease.
If you know a big snowstorm will hit, make sure you have enough food to sustain your family for at least 72 hours. Here, a residential-area stop sign is buried under nearly 20 feet of snow in Ontario, Canada.
A man walks between stranded cars on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive in February 2011. If you must park or abandon your vehicle, avoid leaving it in a bus stop area or at a corner; this slows down transportation recovery efforts and may lead to your car being towed.
Before sending your kids out to play in the snow, pile on the sunscreen. A sunburn in winter may sound far-fetched, but snow can reflect up to 85% of the sun’s UV rays. Here, a 4-year-old Amish boy enjoys a day off from school in St. Mary's County, MD.
Yesterday’s news: a magazine stand buried in snow. For the latest weather report, check out NOAA’s National Weather Service for state-by-state forecasts and warnings.
And when the snow hits, have fun -- like this guy in Seattle sledding down a closed snow-covered street in January 2012.