Stay Overnight at These Haunted Places Seen on 'Ghost Adventures'
You've seen the Ghost Adventures crew investigate the world's most haunted places. In dusk-to-dawn lockdowns, they've felt the grip of clammy hands, heard eerie moans and chased orbs of light. Think you've got what it takes to do your own vacation lockdown? Find out at one of these spirited sites.
Lynn Coulter
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Lizzie Borden House, Fall River, MA
This is it: the parlor where Lizzie wielded her infamous axe. She was acquitted of the 1892 murders of her father and stepmother, but visitors to the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum say they've felt the chill of unseen hands and heard doors close by themselves. Like the Ghost Adventures crew, you can stay overnight and even request the bedroom where Mrs. Borden was killed. Depending on the mood of the spirits, you may rest—or rest in peace.