In Ghost Adventures: Aftershocks, Zak invites the most memorable characters from the series to update viewers on how their lives and their ghosts have fared since the GAC paid them a visit.
Ghost Adventures investigate the haunted Edinburgh Vaults under the South Bridge.
There's one special bear that can offer you more than cuddly companionship.
Reykjavik, Iceland
World-renowned primatologist, Fulbright Scholar and National Science Foundation Fellow, Mireya Mayor is not your typical scientist.
Check out the app review for MyWeather Mobile, an app that gives you instant weather updates for the cities you care about.
Take the time to taste some of Napa Valley's best dining experiences.
Read the Travel Channel's Harlem Globetrotters Cheat Sheet.
The active family vacation means more play and connection, less boredom and complaints. Discover 5 great ideas for summer family adventures.
Check out our top picks for things to do in Germany.
59 parks, one incredible year.
Discover many great mountains where beginners can sharpen their climbing skills.
Explore the Indian Ocean and the luxurious resorts.
See the best sports spots in Atlanta.
Cheddar BLT Burger With Tarragon Russian Dressing courtesy of chef Laurent Tourondel.