Explorer and history buff Don Wildman is on a quest into the forbidden, hidden and unseen spaces across America.
Travel Channel goes inside treehouse hotels in Sweden.
Here's what you need to know to navigate Dublin Airport. May the road rise up to meet you … and all your flights be on time.
Camp like a champion with a packing list like ours — and what we WISH we'd brought.
Whatever possessed Aaron does *not* want the crew investigating the Goldfield.
As the toddler sits up, a minute light rises with him, floating straight up before disappearing. The video caption states, “We have paranormal things happen a lot in our home…”
Explore Macau like Tony Bourdain.
Here are 5 must-see pieces that used to adorn the walls of one man's home.
Six business wardrobe item that you shouldn't leave home without.
Take care of your tech.
Do you prefer desert solitude or the oceans white with foam? Following TravelChannel.com’s advice can help you find your National Park.
Discover Disney World's top 7 surprises.
Our editors visited two of the most popular Southern cities: Charleston and Savannah. Decide for yourself which one of these historic towns can lay claim to being the South’s best city.
Check out these Harry Potter conventions, trips and theme park.
Marcus learns more about 3 crimes in the city of Seattle.