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Which super city will reign supreme?
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Travel Channel suggests alternate ways to explore Boston, including a movie tour or a trip to the Museum of Bad Art.
Don't settle for dinner at a big chain. Instead, check out some of the locals' favorite Boston restaurants for a unique dining experience.
5 attractions where you won't mind being a tourist.
Get the dish about our picks for Boston's best restaurants
Boston offers a wide variety of sporty activities for everyone.
Travel Channel's picks for best sports spots in Boston.
Oyster's top picks for the best Boston hotels.
Get the right mix with our picks for Boston's Top 6 cocktail bars.
Andrew serves up chicken with red chiles and lemongrass, inspired by his trip to a Cambodian community located in Lowell, MA. Now whip up this delicious dish in your kitchen.
See Travel Channel's picks for the Boston's Top 5 spots to explore after dark, including Sweet Cheeks Q, Scholars, and The Hawthorne.
Check out our picks for Boston's best places to have a beer.