Marianela at Point Arena Lighthouse
Marianela climbs to the top of one of the tallest lighthouses on the West Coast.
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Marianela gets the 411 on the historic Point Arena Lighthouse from expert William Brown.
Point Arena Lighthouse is located in Mendocino County, CA, 2 miles north of Point Arena.
Marianela checks out the first-order Fresnel lens, worth over 3.5 million and made from over 600 hand-ground glass prisms.
Some items in the museum have been kept since the lighthouse’s reconstruction in the 1906.
The original lighthouse, constructed in 1870, was destroyed when a devastating earthquake struck the Light Station.
Marianela can’t wait to reach the top of the lighthouse.
These unique handmade mirrors are available for sale in the museum gift shop.
Only 100 more stairs to the top!
Point Area Light looks like it appeared straight out of a postcard.
Marianela and William check out the spectacular view of the California coast.
Many view the majestic lighthouse as a symbol of hope.
“These (lighthouse) Keepers must’ve really been in shape,” says Marianela.
The Point Arena Lighthouse is one of the tallest lighthouses on the West Coast.
The lighthouse was built to help ships navigate their way through the rocky coast.