10 Tips for Traveling With Food Allergies
For those suffering from peanut, gluten, soy, lactose and other food allergies, finding food for your family when traveling can range from annoying to frightening. Here are 10 ways to mitigate risks and enjoy the journey.

Steve Larese
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Peanuts at 30,000 Feet
Peanut allergies are among the most severe, yet peanuts are synonymous with in-flight snacks. Many airlines no longer serve peanuts–check the airline website for policies–though other passengers may bring peanut snacks aboard. Airlines such as Southwest will not serve peanuts if contacted a few days before the flight. Speak to a gate agent before your family's flight and ask to pre-board in order to wipe down the seat and area where your family will be seating to remove any peanut dust and particles. Flight attendents can also make announcements before takeoff asking passengers to please not open peanut-containing snacks during the flight.