Zillow Review

Fall in love with this year's vacation spot? Want to move there or buy a vacation home? Zillow is the easiest way to do a quick reality check.
By: Bob Tedeschi

Category: Travel
Cost/Platforms: Free on Apple and Android devices.

Overall Rating:travel app rating
Multiplatform:travel app rating
Lots of function for nothing:travel app rating
Fun and easy to use:travel app rating
Solves travel need or challenge:travel app rating

Unleash your inner real-estate voyeur.

Why we like it -- Fall in love with this year’s vacation spot? Want to move there or buy a vacation home? Zillow is the easiest way to do a quick reality check. Take a stroll down your favorite street or stretch of beach, open the app and it tells you the property values of nearby homes. You can view properties in a list (especially useful in cities), or get a satellite view of the neighborhood.

Improvements we'd like to see -- The Android app isn’t as smooth as the iPhone version, and no matter which phone you have, you’ll find that some cities lack comprehensive data. In those cases, Zillow will offer you prices of homes on the market (as well as contact info for real estate agents). International property values would also be a nice addition.

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