National Parks in District of Columbia

Dennis Govoni / Getty Images
African American Civil War Memorial
Washington, DC

Park, Washington, DC
Capitol Hill Parks
Washington, DC
Captain John Smith Chesapeake
National Historic Trail, VA, MD, DE, DC, PA, NY
Carter G. Woodson Home
National Historic Site, Washington, DC
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal
National Historical Park, Potomac River, DC, MD, WV

Bo Nielsen, flickr
Chesapeake Bay
Chesapeake Bay Watershed, DC, MD, NY, PA, VA, WV
Chesapeake Bay Gateways & Watertrails Network
Civil War Defenses of Washington
Washington, DC
Constitution Gardens
Washington, DC
Ford's Theatre
Washington, DC

Maxwell MacKenzie
Fort Dupont Park
Washington, DC
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Washington, DC
Frederick Douglass
National Historic Site, Washington, DC

Walter Smalling for the Historic American Buildings Survey, Wikimedia Commons
George Washington
Memorial Parkway, DC, MD, VA
Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens
Washington, DC

NCinDC, flickr
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Washington, DC
LBJ Memorial Grove on the Potomac
Washington, DC
Lincoln Memorial
Washington, DC

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
Washington, DC
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House
National Historic Site, Washington, DC
Meridian Hill
Park, Washington, DC
National Capital Parks-East
Washington, DC
National Mall and Memorial Parks
Washington, DC

Old Post Office Tower
Washington, DC
Peirce Mill
Washington, DC
Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

Nick Eckert /National Cherry Blossom Festival
Potomac Heritage
National Scenic Trail, the corridor between the Chesapeake Bay and the Allegheny Highlands, DC, MD, PA, VA
President's Park (White House)
Washington, DC

Glyn Lowe Photoworks, flickr
Rock Creek
Park, Washington, DC
Star-Spangled Banner
National Historic Trail, DC, MD, VA
The Old Stone House
Washington, DC

NCinDC, flickr
Theodore Roosevelt Island
Washington, DC
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Washington, DC

Ethan Welty / Aurora Photos
Vietnam Veterans
Memorial, Washington, DC
Washington Monument
Washington, DC

Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images
National Historic Trail, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, DC
World War II Memorial
Washington, DC