National Parks in Wisconsin
With inviting landscapes and shoreline along two Great Lakes, there's plenty to see and do in Wisconsin.

With inviting landscapes and shoreline along two Great Lakes, there's plenty more to see than dairy farms and football games in Wisconsin.
Apostle Islands
National Lakeshore, Lake Superior, WI
These 21 islands offer opportunities to hike, paddle or sail around beautiful Lake Superior. In winter, ice caves present a truly unique experience. Learn more about Apostle Islands >>
Ice Age
National Scenic Trail
In Wisconsin, find evidence of North America's glacial past just 15,000 years ago. The 1,200-mile trail streches across the entire state. Find out more about the trail >>
North Country
National Scenic Trail, WI and MI, MN, ND, NY, OH, PA
When finished, this thru-hike will unite seven states from New York to North Dakota. Find out more about the trail >>
Saint Croix
National Scenic Riverway, Saint Croix Falls, WI, MN
Managed and protected by the National Park Service, the St. Croix and Namekagon rivers together form the Saint Croix Riverway and beckon paddlers and fishermen alike. Plan your visit >>