World's Tallest Bungee Jumps
Take the plunge! See our list of the world's tallest bungee jumps.

Valerie Conners
Note: We have not included Colorado's 956-foot-high Royal Gorge Bridge, because, although it has been used for bungee jumping in the past, it is no longer open to the public for jumps.

Toby Oxborrow, flickr
AJ Hackett is one of the world's most trusted bungee outfitters, and the Macau Tower jump features specially designed bungee cords that rebound up and down, as opposed to side to side, which would increase the jumper's risk of swinging and hitting the tower. People visiting the tower who want a bit of excitement without committing to a bungee jump, can try the Skyjump, a tethered, 17-second descent from the same height to the ground.

Audrix, Wikimedia Commons
The company now offers a series of jumps off the dam, including a classic plunge and a backward jump. Of course, if you're willing to dive off the 721-foot ledge, you might not have many fears -- like a fear of the dark. In that case, put your courage to the test and try one of Trekking Team's night jumps, a heart-pounding good time.

A walkway created by the outfitter hangs below the highway that runs across the bridge. Bungee jumpers trek across the walkway until they reach the highest part of the bridge’s arch; here, they take the plunge amid the extraordinary vistas of the Eastern and Western Cape. If you're too nervous to bungee jump, it's still possible to journey onto the walkway and admire the breathtaking views of the river below and mountains beyond.

The jump leads to a 623 foot fall, and the views from the bridge are awe-inspiring: Jumpers are surrounded by typically crisp, blue skies, vast mountains and the Navizence River swirling below. If taking the bungee plunge isn't enough adrenaline for one day, join one of Bungy Niouc's other activities, like the "Giant Swing," a bungee-like jump that moves you in an enormous circular drop, rather than a vertical plunge, or you can embark on a hair-raising ride on the 720-foot handheld zip line.
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