Brainerd Ice Fishing Extravaganza
The world's largest ice-fishing contest takes place every January in Brainerd, MN. Chill out with 15,000 anglers on frozen Gull Lake.
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Photo By: Courtesy of the Brainerd Jaycees
The Brainerd (MN) Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza draws over 10,000 anglers annually who compete for more than $150,000 in prizes. All proceeds from the event are donated to local charities.
The Brainerd Jaycees claim that 20,000 holes are drilled in the ice for the annual contest. It takes 3 days to set up the event site, which temporarily becomes the second-largest city in Crow Wing County.
Some lucky angler is stocked up for the winter!
It's not the size of the fish that matters; it's an honor just to compete.
Sleds are the most efficient means for moving equipment at the Brainerd Ice Fishing Extravaganza.
Contestants wait in line to have their catch weighed.
This guy won't need to tell a fish story!
As demonstrated by this angler, there's much more to the sport than just dropping a line into an ice hole.
The first-place finisher of the 2009 contest was awarded a brand-new pickup truck.
Vikings of both the "real" and football kind are seen in great abundance at the Brainerd Ice Fishing Extravaganza.