Wildlife Expert and Filmmaker
Casey Anderson is a wildlife expert, filmmaker, adventurer and explorer. He has spent the last 24 years traveling the world, capturing wildlife and nature through the camera lens. Travel Channel’s new series “Monster Encounters” follows Anderson as he tracks and documents evidence of animals so large, or unusual, that they are thought to exist only in folklore or to be extinct. Employing the latest technologies and his lifetime of wildlife experience, Anderson travels to the remote corners of the earth in search of the elusive creatures.
Born and raised in Montana, Anderson spent his childhood exploring the vast wilderness that was his backyard. Documenting his adventures was a way for Anderson to provide his outrageous accounts in the wild to his classmates. By the age of 18, he found himself guiding wildlife filmmakers into remote locations to track and film the most elusive wild animals. At age 26, Anderson adopted an orphaned baby grizzly bear, which led him to co-found the Montana Grizzly Encounter – a sanctuary for grizzly bears saved from inhumane situations.
As a television personality, Casey Anderson has made it his mission to bring his love of the wild to the hearts of every generation, instilling a drive to conserve untamed and untouched wild places. Through expert tracking and experienced filmmaking he brings his adventures to the world.
Anderson currently resides in Paradise Valley, Mont., with his wife Stephanie, dogs Jack and Muppet, and cats Mao and Magpie.
Maxwell currently resides in Los Angeles, Calif.