5 TSA-Approved Snacks

Save $$$ and breeze through security.

Laura James

Snacks are a must when traveling, especially when flying. You never know when a flight might get delayed, what airport food options will be near your gate and when hunger will strike if you're traveling with kids. It's always a good idea to be prepared.

Buying snacks at the airport can add up, though. Bringing your own snacks from home can cut down on costs and you'll always know you'll have snacks you like on hand when you need it. Check out these five TSA-approved snacks.

1. Veggies and Hummus

Pop carrots and celery into a glass jar. Use an empty, cleaned-out apple sauce container to hold hummus.

Laura James

2. Assorted Chilled Snacks

Use silicone cupcake holders to separate lunch meat, cheese cubes, dried fruits and nuts and crackers in a glass container. Add in frozen grapes to help keep snacks chilled. Frozen grapes make a great snack on their own, too!

Laura James

3. On-the-Go Salad

Wash out an empty peanut butter jar to transport your own salad. Add dressing first (make sure it's under 3.4 ounces). Top with your favorite salad toppings like sunflower seeds and vegetables. Add in the spinach or lettuce of choice. Putting the dressing in the bottom will prevent the spinach from wilting until you're ready to eat it. Don't forget a disposable fork!

Laura James

4. Dried Nuts and Fruits

Not sure what you (or your kids) will be in the mood to snack on? Bring a little bit of everything. Wash a craft organizer and fill it with dried nuts, crackers, chocolate candies, gummies and more.

Laura James

5. Apple and Peanut Butter

TSA only allows whole fruits through security. Slice a whole apple before leaving, and use a rubber band to keep slices in place. Throw the apple and a to-go pack of peanut butter in a plastic bag, and breeze through security.

Laura James

5 TSA-approved Snacks
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More Tips for Flying With Food: 10 Foods You Can and Can't Bring Into the U.S.

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