Showing 11 - 20 of 1,306 results for Planning a Round the World Trip

Airbnb Kicks Off 'Adventures' With a Once-in-a-Lifetime Trip Around the World in 80 Days for Only $5,000

To celebrate the launch of Airbnb Adventures, travelers can book a trip of a lifetime valued at $100,000 for just $5,000. Airbnb will donate 100 percent of the proceeds to the Malala Fund. Learn how to book a spot on this mind-blowing trip and learn more about Airbnb's new Adventures offering on

Best Vacation Spots

Video | 03:45
Planning a trip? Take a look at some of the world's best vacation spots!

Outdoor Adventure

Whether you're planning a bucket-list trip or looking for adventures close to home, we've got ideas for where to go, what to do and how to do it on Travel Channel.

Backpacking 101

Video | 06:11
Get ready for your first backpacking trip and learn how and what to pack with these easy beginner tips from Travel Channel.

Water + Amusement Parks

Planning a trip to an amusement park or water park? Travel Channel has everything you need for a fun and hassle-free experience, from can’t-miss rides to tips for saving time and money.

What You Need to Know About Spelunking

World traveler and photographer Lola Akinmade Åkerström tells you what you need to know before planning your next trip spelunking or caving.

Avoid Expensive Plane Tickets

Video | 03:03
Peter Greenberg gives three tips on how to avoid expensive airline fares.

5 Ways to Use Social Media for Travel Planning

A Travel Channel expert shares exactly how she uses social media tools, like Instagram and Pinterest, to plan her vacations.