Brian Unger throws darts at a map to pick the start and end point of an epic road trip. He finds dog surfing in California, a mowing competition in Texas and some manly men in skirts in Pennsylvania.
Steve and Amy explore the disturbing connection between a cold-blooded murder and unnerving paranormal activity in Texas. While Steve probes the property's grisly history, Amy confronts a sociopathic dead man who agitates the living.
Jordan does it big in the state of Texas as he tries to wrangle a huge find for one of the largest auction houses in the country. Jordan is in awe when he enters a Superman-themed cave, complete with the original cape worn by Christopher Reeves.
Carina and Steven are looking to buy a boat large enough to live on during extended trips around the Gulf Coast area of Galveston, Texas. They go kayaking and zip lining along the waterfront as the young couple shops for the boat of their dreams.