Billy Leroy's Auction Tips

Billy has his own style at auction. Use his tips to wheel and deal your way into the best auction and antique steals.
At Auction
1. Make sure you sit in the back so you can see who is bidding. Unfortunately I sit in the front so our camera crew can get good, clean shots, but in reality I always go in the back.
2. Make sure you get the auctioneer’s attention; Laurence has that down pat. He dresses like a clown. If you’re not into dressing like a carnival attraction, you can wear a red hat or something that catches the eye.
3. Don't be shy if you’re bidding; the auctioneer is fast and it's alright to ask for verification of the bid. I do it all the time to break up the momentum of the auctioneer.
4. If you have competition in the room, make them pay!
5. Finally, if you love collecting and dealing stuff, the most important thing is to buy what you love and don't buy something that Joe Blow says to buy -- you will always lose!
In the Thrift Store
1. Go to thrift stores in affluent areas -- the rich give away a lot of stuff to thrift stores.
2. Search stores thoroughly and get to know the people who run them.
3. Go with your gut -- I have for 30 years!