Baggage Battles: Knightwalkers' Pictures
Get a sneak peek at Baggage Battles in Dublin, where the auction specialists are hoping to strike it rich bidding on lost historical Irish items.

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Mark examines a box of eyeglasses found among his Dublin auction winnings.
It looks like a cane … but is it? Laurence and Sally examine a shepherd's crook, one of the many items up for bid.
Is it worth making a bid? Billy examines one of the many lots up for sale.
Laurence, Sally and Billy take their seats at the Dublin auction, while Mark stands by and waits as the crowd gathers.
It's not every day you have a chance to wear body armor, and Laurence takes full advantage of it, having some fun with Sally before the auction in Dublin.
Laurence and Sally take a moment to mug for the camera outside of the auction.
Billy goes after what he wants, placing another bid at the auction.
Billy leaves the Dublin auction with winnings, including a sealed box and a scooter.
Mark shouts out a "war cry" as he rides a jockey training simulator, wearing a metal breastplate and using a long-reach pruning saw as a makeshift lance. All 3 items are up for bid at the auction.
Laurence and Sally pose and laugh amid construction equipment found outside the Dublin auction.
Billy talks about a sealed box, one of the many items up for bid at the auction in Dublin.
Mark drags out his Dublin auction winnings in a large metal cart.