Baggage Battles: World War Score Pictures
The buyers march into battle for a once-in-a-lifetime WWII D-Day auction in Normandy, France. They fight over rare relics, such as battle-worn helmets and a gun holster used by Hitler's elite guard.

World War Score
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Billy Leroy sits in an old military Jeep as he waits for the bidding action to begin in Normandy.
Laurence and Sally Martin examine a French paratrooper helmet inside and out during the Normandy auction preview.
Billy Leroy examines an old weapon during the auction preview in Normandy.
During the preview, Laurence examines a machine gun stand that will soon be up for bid.
Mark Meyer gets a closer look at an old machine gun that's up for bid in Normandy.
A solemn piece of history catches Billy's eye during the Normandy auction preview: a temporary grave cross from World War II.
Bring it on! Mark channels his inner tough guy in the moments leading up to the auction in Normandy.
Laurence looks through a pair of binoculars during the auction preview.
A military “handie-talkie” draws Billy's attention.
Preparing for the auction battle, Laurence, Sally and Billy meet up during the preview in Normandy.
Billy Leroy -- half Normandy auction bidder, half military action machine.
Mark cracks open his French-to-English dictionary to figure out what just happened.
Sally scratches an item off her list during the auction in Normandy.
Time to celebrate! Laurence and Sally let their excitement show as they win an item at the auction.