Andrew Zimmern takes a look back at the foods that have sent his senses into overload, from those with a strong smell, strange taste or funky texture, to those that looked just plain weird ...
Andrew Zimmern’s pursuit of a great meal often leads to danger. From poisonous foods to scary situations, Andrew looks back on the many times he put his life at risk in his quest to make a ...
Andrew looks back at eating creatures most people don’t think of as food. From fried tarantulas and maggot-filled cheese to giant fruit bats and king cobra soup, Andrew’s not afraid to eat ...
From drinking clotted cow blood with the Maasai in Tanzania to eating whole prairie dogs with the Zia in New Mexico, Andrew Zimmern looks backs at the memorable food and experiences he's ...
From shooting blue wildebeest in Namibia and wild boars in Hawaii to gigging for hog suckers in the Ozarks, Andrew takes a look back at some of his most memorable hunting and fishing trips ...
From skinning a muskrat in Maryland, Beaver chili in Maine and cooking up stir-fried rat in Thailand, Andrew's talking about, and tasting, all things critters. Hair, tails, and nails ...
From meat and seafood to dairy, bread and snacks, how we get our food often depends on where we live. Straight from the sea or fresh from the udder, Andrew Zimmern gives us a taste of his ...
From raw pig's blood in Bali and ground pig snouts, ears and tongues in Cleveland, OH, to cured pig legs in Sardinia and pig face bacon in Los Angeles, Andrew Zimmern recaps his favorite ...
Andrew Zimmern looks back on all the times he's had to earn his food. Whether it's making kimchi on the factory line, harvesting clams right off the ocean floor or inseminating Alaskan ...
From the lost clips to behind-the-scene moments with the crew, Andrew Zimmern shares some of the footage that's never made it into any other Bizarre Foods episode. Mishaps, practical jokes ...
Andrew Zimmern is back with another round of never-before-told-stories and behind-the-scene moments with the crew. From hot wings in Chicago to Muskrat pate in Detroit, Andrew reveals some ...
Mystery meat and fermented fish make the list as Andrew Zimmern looks back on the most challenging foods he's encountered. From putrid smells to gelatinous textures, Andrew admits to the ...
In his travels around the world, Andrew has learned that many cultures still cook like their cavemen ancestors. All it takes is a flame, a pile of wood and an animal, and you've got dinner.
Andrew looks back on some of the memorable foods he's eaten raw during his travels. From Elk heart to horse mane to buffalo breast, Andrew has found that enjoying some of the freshest foods ...
Just because food is factory-made, doesn't mean it's not created with loving care. Andrew Zimmern goes behind the curtain at factories across the globe producing artisanal and strange foods ...
Whenever a local community opens its arms to immigrants, great things can happen, especially in the world of food when those new ethnic groups bring their culinary traditions to new places ...
Andrew Zimmern explores how the marriage of cooking and science is producing eye-popping discoveries.
Andrew samples a dozen different barbeque styles around the world, from a buffalo meat tailgate party to Texas pit BBQ to a pig roast in South Carolina, barbequed mutton in Kentucky to ...
Comfort foods remind us of home, and Andrew samples all sorts, from a grandma's recipe for chopped hogs head in Belize, chitterlings in the American south, Vietnamese pig uterus soup and the ...
The usual reaction to snakes or crocodiles is to run, but Andrew Zimmern catches and cooks them, eager to try everything from boa constrictors in Nicaragua to poisonous toads in Australia ...
Despite the onslaught of globalization, there are still groups around the world that cling to the food traditions of their ancestors. Andrew visits those pockets of authenticity to sample ...
Andrew shares more of the unforgettable moments from the road that never made it into the show. From eating pig brain in Vietnam to sipping honey water in Mexico, these never-before-seen ...
Through the years, Andrew has had some incredible food experiences that only happen once in a lifetime. From maggot cheese in Nicaragua to slurping live langoustine in the Faroe Islands ...
Andrew learns that hard work runs in the family when it comes to family-run food businesses. From harvesting caviar in Florida to serving moose pot pie in Newfoundland, food just tastes ...
The best food experiences are often served with a side of adrenaline. From midnight spearfishing in the Alaskan wilderness to eating poisonous vipers in Philadelphia, Andrew goes out of his ...
Andrew does his part to help restore the planet's natural balance one meal at a time. From tossing rocks at pigeons in Virginia to bowfishing carp in Minnesota, Andrew combats nature's most ...
With many dishes, spoilage is a good thing and letting food rot can work wonders! From decayed lamb in the Faroe Islands to 32-year-old Korean bean paste to Peruvian rotten potato cheese ...
From food truck tongue tacos to state fair fried alligator, Spam sushi to elk sausage, Andrew Zimmern hits the streets to find the best street foods offered from coast to coast and ...
From pioneering chefs to revolutionary flavors, Andrew Zimmern reveals the rebels throwing the recipe book out the window with pine cone ice cream, camel ribs and more.
From Buffalo brain stew in Delhi to water snake in Cambodia, Andrew Zimmern explores Asia's best street foods.
Andrew Zimmern rolls up his sleeves to experience the effort behind some Bizarre Foods favorites. From the factory making Sriracha to a restaurant creating bird nest soup, the business of ...
Andrew Zimmern explores the ancient foodways that modern life tries to bulldoze into oblivion. Thanks to the proud few keeping these customs and cultures alive, Andrew goes to Chile to eat ...
Andrew Zimmern explores global markets to find locals' favorite foods. From cow skin and chicken foot soup in Jamaica to Moroccan camel ribs and Panamanian iguana eggs, market foods always ...
Andrew explores beef-eating cultures around the world. From whole cow head BBQ in Texas to Guatemalan cow eyeball cocktails, raw bull penis in Bangkok to fresh blood in Tanzania, craving cow ...
Andrew Zimmern travels to some of the coldest places on Earth to see how people survive and eat. He seeks out delicacies like muffler meat and hand-pried sea cucumber -- an array of ...
Andrew Zimmern ventures into the world of eating insects as a source of protein. From coconut grubs in the Amazon to dung beetles in Thailand, Andrew finds that bugs are a great food source ...
Andrew Zimmern celebrates the world's greatest edible animal by digging into every part. From year-old cured ham to deep-fried testicles and melts-in-your-mouth snout sandwiches, the hog ...
Andrew Zimmern travels the globe to eat the simple and loving foods prepared by grandmothers' hands. He crashes their kitchens to feast on matriarchal recipes, including marinated armadillo ...
Andrew Zimmern travels the world on a hunt for the planet's most delicious game. He eats black bear skin cracklings in Arkansas, pan-fried nutria in Louisiana and wildebeest organs ...
Andrew Zimmern circles the globe to discover food making processes old and new. He helps make and eat traditional longevity noodles in Taipei, olive oil on a Moroccan mountainside and true ...
From sweet street waffles and fried bamboo rat to mystery meat and stewed brains from a lamb's skull, Andrew Zimmern reveals how market eats from around the world showcase a city's history ...
Andrew Zimmern travels the world to see how cultures use innovative techniques to harness the power of fire for culinary masterpieces like sun-dried beef and African hornbill.
Andrew eats bloodwurst, head cheese and rattlesnake in this episode of previously unaired footage. Also featured is Andrew's scooter crash in Madrid, an 'ugly stick' performance in ...
From Jamaican-infused Chinese food to backyard-trapped woodchuck and stone soup starters, Andrew samples some of the home cooking that brings people together and keeps traditions alive ...
Andrew explores the world's oceans, lakes and rivers and discovers a taste for what many fishermen throw back. He cooks and devours fried dogfish in Boston, pufferfish in North Carolina and ...
Andrew explores America's coastal treasures, diving into sweet clams, smoked whitefish, cow nose stingray and feral hog meat.
Andrew explores contemporary European gastronomy influenced by the foods and traditions of its grandmothers. He tastes generations-old dishes like fried calf brains, Italian tripe, fish ...
Andrew Zimmern heads out in search of three centuries of culinary history in the foods of the Americas. From Florida to Central America to South America, he finds out what dishes survived ...
Andrew digs into the beautifully complex, multicultural foods of the Caribbean, including curried conch, Jamaican jerk and tree rat.
Andrew takes a bite out of the ignored foods of Africa, including traditional pigeon pie in Fez, slow-roasted Ugandan cane rat and a nonstop meatfest with Masaai warriors in Tanzania.
Andrew Zimmern explores the diverse culinary traditions of the southeastern US, from age-old Cherokee recipes to foods brought over by the European settlers and dishes created by enslaved ...
Andrew Zimmern explores the diverse dishes and food trends of sunny California. Along this culinary journey through the Golden State, Andrew dines on cowboy sushi, sheep heart ragu, blood ...
Andrew explores the humble cuisine of America's remote mountain and swamp regions, including chicken-fried squirrel, beer-battered frog legs and stewed pig intestines.
Andrew Zimmern explores the influence of Chinese cooking on world cuisine. He travels the globe as he eats culinary gifts such as pork rinds, chow mein, stinky tofu, Agu pork and dim sum.
Andrew explores the exciting and sustainable small farm movement that's brewing across America. He samples some of their foods along the way, including chocolate "chirp" cookies, pickled ...
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