10 Things to Know About Expedition Unknown Season 4
Groundbreaking revelations, hospital stays, snakes and ruby slippers. This season has everything.

Four seasons in, and Josh Gates shows no signs of slowing down.
New episodes of Expedition Unknown are already in full swing, but if you find yourself feeling TV Skeptical about Josh and his crew living up to last season’s incredible adventures, let us help: Season 4 is completely insane, guys.
“The mysteries are bigger, the locations are more remote and the food is occasionally life-threatening,” Josh said. “In other words – it’s gonna be a blast.”
Aside from some unprecedented access to sites like Stonehenge in England, Mayan ruins in Guatemala and unexplored tombs in Egypt, Josh also manages to ratchet up the intensity of his close calls during some of Expedition Unknown’s biggest investigations to date. Read on for more hints about what’s coming this season.
It’s All about Icons

Throughout the years, Expedition has shined a light on dozens of somewhat lesser-known historical figures, mysterious monsters and cunning crooks. This season, we’re going to see the spotlight shift to some seriously familiar faces and landscapes that, despite their notoriety, still have semblances of mystery to be uncovered.
Among this season’s crop of iconic subjects: American train robber Butch Cassidy, Cleopatra, Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, England’s mysterious Stonehenge monument and the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
“We’re tackling the biggest stories in Expedition Unknown history,” Josh said. “It’s a wild ride!”
And speaking of Egypt …
Josh Embarks on One of His Biggest Expeditions Ever

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...ever. In an upcoming two-part special, Josh explores Egypt’s ancient past for clues about its lost queens.
“We set out to film in nearly a dozen historic sites around the country from the iconic Sphynx in Giza to the towering ruins of Luxor to a sunken palace complex beneath the harbor of Alexandria,” Josh said.
We can’t reveal everything on the way right now, but trust us, this was a huge expedition that results in one of the most intensive and groundbreaking discoveries made on the show. Plus, y’know, we get to see some breathtakingly huge pyramids and incredible mummy artifacts. History is wild, man.
More After-Shows are on the Way
Remember, like, two seconds ago when we told you Josh’s travels through Egypt turned into one of his largest expeditions ever? We meant it. There’s so much to explore and discuss in the two-part special that we had to pencil in some after-shows to squeeze it all in. Block off your Wednesday nights in February, people!
Josh and Crew Traveled and Filmed for More Than 200 Days
Yes, Josh Gates spent nearly two-thirds of a year traveling the world and getting into (very productive) shenanigans. Season 4 of Expedition Unknown took the crew to five continents and more than a dozen countries.
“That means we spent hundreds of hours on airplanes, and I’ve seen every bad movie that came out in 2017,” Josh said. “Here’s looking at you, Baywatch!”

We’ve seen our fair share of “Josh Encounters X Wild Beast While Traveling” moments on Expedition Unknown throughout the years, but this Indiana Jones-esque encounter while filming an episode about ancient pyramids ranks among the closest of calls.
“While interviewing an archaeologist on the steps of an ancient pyramid in the jungles of Guatemala, my cameraman Evan yelled out ‘Snake!’ We jumped up to the sight of a very angry pit viper slithering toward us,” Josh said. “Considering we were a two-day hike from a hospital, I’d say I owe Evan a case of expensive Scotch.”
Josh Follows in Neil Armstrong’s Footsteps

No, not in space (yet).
In the upcoming “Hunt for the Metal Library” episode — one of the most thrilling we’ve ever seen, by the way — Josh descends into the Tayos Caves, a legendary natural network of caves in Ecuador that has largely gone unexplored, in search of reported archaeological treasures in the form of inscribed metal tablets. The last substantial expedition through the cave system included military personnel, a film crew and NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Three Crew Members Ended up in the Hospital
Following that harrowing cave expedition deep in the jungles of Ecuador, Josh and two members of the Expedition Unknown crew fell ill. From what, you ask? Bat poop, essentially.
“We descended hundreds of feet underground and lived and worked in complete darkness for days on end,” Josh said. “We also had to eat down there, and our food was often uncovered in a room filled with bats, spiders and lots of nasty insects.”
Though the virus Josh and his crew were treated for is nothing to scoff at, this wasn’t the first time Josh has been treated for a virus while traveling.
“Getting sick on the road is just one of those things that comes with the territory,” Josh said. “I have to say, I’ll never, ever go back to that cave, but I also can’t wait to show you what we found inside.”
One Expedition Revolves around Some Iconic Shoes

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We tend to get particularly enamored with Expedition Unknown episodes that investigate cultural icons and mysteries, and this season has ’em! Josh goes domestic in search around the United States for clues as to the location of a pair of missing red heels that once belonged to Judy Garland. This one’s for you, Oz nerds!
Josh Got Another Awesome Phone Call on the Road
Mega-fans might recall a very special moment was caught on camera a few seasons ago while Josh was traveling.
The Expedition Unknown crew carries a satellite phone for emergency calls from family, and Josh received a call from his wife while shooting the “Secrets of Christopher Columbus” episode, letting him know he was going to be a dad for the first time.
This season, Josh, yet again, heard from his wife about a new addition to their family — expected any day now! — while he was traveling.
“I was on the road, but this time, the cameras weren’t rolling,” Josh said. “So there’s no evidence that I cried this time.”
You’ll Hear a Few “Look at That!”s
Well, duh. Josh makes some pretty incredible discoveries this season, so his signature catchphrase will make more than a handful of appearances.
“What can I say? I’m easily excited,” Josh said.
Catch new episodes from season four of Expedition Unknown Wednesdays at 9|8c.