Zak's Best Yorktown Tweets

Zak's best tweets about the Yorktown Memorial Hospital lockdown.

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Want to learn more about the Yorktown Memorial Hospital lockdown? Zak's tweets take you behind the scenes.

"WOW...I just really realized I am a busy ass dude....headin to Texas tomorrow...gonna look for my bike in the basement of the Alamo"

"In San Antonio wheres the best place to eat??? We wants some good barbecue...headed to the riverwalk"

"Kinda reminds me of Venice"

"Yea we re tourists"

"Driving thru texas now on this lone road and theres these oil fires everywhere in the smoky air... Eerie and cool (i mean "coo-coo""

I'm "deep in the heart of Texas" right now & crack up everytime Pee-Wee screams- "the stars at night are big and bright"

"filming right now and there is a huge Oil Discovery or somethin & tons of ppl are drillin tryin to get rich..goin to Walmart buyin a shovel"

this location we are investigating is filthy, abandoned, stinky, infested by evil, demons, attacks, 1000's of deaths...Home sweet home

"Im in a small Texas town and at a country bar.....ummmm no diggity"

"OMFG this Chick-fil-a place is incredible!"

"Gettn ready for lockdown and heres our guard dog"

"TONIGHT catch an ALL-NEW Ghost Adventures at 9pm on Travel Channel!!!"

"This place is bad ass....we re just gettn started"

"This closet is Maxi-Spooky!!!!!!!"

"WHAT AN INSANE LOCKDOWN!!!!!!!!! LOVED IT!!!!! Heading back to Vegas now in the car with @DjInfernoLV headed to airport"

"So far since Ive been home from an intense Lockdown Ive just heard two moans coming from my dungeon and jus got static charge..good stuff!"

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