Ghost Adventures: Dumas Brothel
The guys travel to Butte, Montana, to investigate the Dumas Brothel, where something malevolent lurks inside what was once the longest-running bordello in the nation.
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Dumas Brothel
It’s off to Butte, MT for the Ghost Adventures crew as they prepare to investigate the historic Dumas Brothel.
Dumas Brothel
The Dumas Brothel—the nation’s longest-running house of prostitution—first opened its doors in 1890.
Dumas Brothel
The brothel remained up-and-running in the mining town until 1982. But while the debauchery may have ended long ago, signs of the property’s dark past live on.
Dumas Brothel
Though the Dumas Brothel is closed as a bordello, it remains as an antique shop which gives its customers a history lesson they will never forget.
Dumas Brothel
Would you be brave enough to venture down to the basement in the dark?
Dumas Brothel
A bedroom in the basement of the Dumas Brothel where poor miners would seek out the company of the working women.
Dumas Brothel
An old laundry bag hangs on the wall in the basement where it's believed a young woman committed suicide.
Dumas Brothel
Red lights that sometimes flicker with no explanation line the ceiling inside the building.
Michael Piche
The owner, Michael Piche, has owned the space for 5 years. He says he experiences mood swings while on the property.
Ginnie Lowney
Michael's best friend, Ginnie Lowney, believes Michael is influenced by the sinister spirits here, especially that of the former owner.
Dumas Brothel
One of the bedrooms on the upper floor where wealthier clients would spend their evenings.
Dumas Brothel
Ginnie says there’s a presence upstairs called “the judge”—and the judge isn’t fond of Zak.
Dumas Brothel
Who’s ready for a truly terrifying lockdown? Ghost Adventures airs Saturday at 9|8c!