Ghost Adventures: Goodwin Home Invasion
Aaron's father, Don, calls Zak and the crew to his Las Vegas home to investigate threatening paranormal activity. The terrifying apparition of a little girl and a dark, powerful presence a neighbor believes is a witch has left Don scared for his life.

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Investigating the Goodwin House
The team is investigating Aaron Goodwin’s old house, where his father, Don, lives now. Aaron had his own paranormal experiences while he lived there, and now his father is experiencing increasingly stronger activity. One of the main questions the crew needs to answer is whether Aaron brought home dark energy from a Ghost Adventures shoot or if the house was haunted from the start.
Meet Don Goodwin
Don is a Vietnam veteran and it takes a lot to make him uneasy. The activity in his house has made him so uneasy that he has tried scaring off the spirits with salt, religious artifacts and Christian music. When none of these worked, he saw no other option than to call in the Ghost Adventures team.
Haunted House
Aaron has been allowed to take home several items from his ghost hunts and many suspect these items brought bad energy and spirits into the house. But was the house haunted before he even moved in?
"The Witch"
“The Witch” is the most commonly seen apparition at the Goodwin house. Aaron has been seeing this apparition since shortly after he moved in, and several neighbors have seen her.
Witnesses Speak Out
Several neighbors have reported seeing apparitions walk into the house. Most of these reports are of a ghost called "The Witch," a ghost Aaron first saw while he lived in the house. Also, one neighbor reported spotting a male ghost walking into the house.
Scary Stories
Aaron, his father, friends and neighbors have all witnessed paranormal activity at the house. The creepiest story comes from Rocky, Don's friend. Rocky saw a little blonde girl with black holes in place of her eyes and mouth on top of the kitchen cabinets. (Which would scare *anyone*, right?)
Sightings of "The Witch"
Tommy, a good friend of Aaron’s, has witnessed paranormal activity in the house firsthand. While he was standing near the stairs, he saw a woman walk across the hall at the top of the stairs, enter a room and close the door. He asked Aaron who it was, and Aaron said there was nobody upstairs. Later, they realized Tommy saw “The Witch.”
Dark Energy
This portion of the house — near the stairs — always makes Tommy feel uncomfortable. He feels the most dark energy here. He walks all the way to the garage at the other end of the house to sit in peace.
Paranormal Activity
Antonio, Aaron's friend, was a long-time skeptic of the paranormal activity inside the house. On one occasion, he expressed his doubts about the presence of spirits in the house while they were standing in the kitchen; in the middle of the conversation, the fridge door inexplicably creaked open.
The Neighbors
Since Aaron moved into the neighborhood, neighbors have noticed significantly increased paranormal activity. Monica (left) always knew when Aaron returned from a ghost hunt because the wind chimes would begin ringing even though the air was still.
Disturbed Houseguests
Don has hosted houseguests who experienced paranormal activity during their stay. One woman heard Don's voice through the bathroom door while she was showering, even though he was downstairs and not speaking at all. When she returned home, her dogs — normally loving and affectionate — refused to go near her.
Growing Stronger
Recently, Don has noticed the paranormal activity in the house growing stronger. He has seen multiple shadow figures, and upon walking through one, he felt an ice-cold chill in his body. He is growing more scared, and he just wants to feel safe in his home again.
Lockdown Time
The lockdown is about to begin. Are you ready? Don’t miss Ghost Adventures every Thursday at 9|8c.