Ghost Adventures: Idaho State Reform School
Zak and the crew travel to St. Anthony, Idaho, to investigate a former school with a dark history of suicide and death. The guys capture paranormal activity that proves the children who lost their lives are still trapped on the grounds.
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Idaho State Reform School
Welcome back, Ghost Adventures fans. We’re kicking off all-new episodes with an investigation into the Idaho State Reform School in St. Anthony, Idaho.
Prison or School?
Don't be fooled, this was no ordinary school.
Many of the children who came here were already broken and shattered. This place offered no refuge. Some chose to take their own lives rather than face another day.
Wayward Youth
Founded in 1903, the Idaho State Reform School was home to the region’s wayward youth. Eventually, the property was sold to various families who transformed it into residences.
Living in Fear
Over the last 115 years of operation, there were administrators who ran this place with a kind hand, and others who were notorious for discipline at all costs, forcing the children to live in constant fear.
The Unwanted
Children were placed here for good reason in some cases — some were criminals who were born bad and knew no other way. In other cases, some may have had behavioral problems, or they didn’t like school, so their parents dumped them here.
Spirited Site
People are being followed by something dark, and apparitions have been seen roaming the grounds.
Meet the Olsens
Zak interviews Demi and Barrett Olsen who currently live in the former school. Both have had powerful, unforgettable experiences. Demi has had mysterious bite marks appear on her arm and feels like a presence is constantly following her. While walking to his bedroom, Barrett said he saw a face at the end of the hall looking back at him through a glass slit in the door. He thought someone had snuck in to the building, but when we walked up to the room where he saw the face, no one was there.
Dark Presence
Zak speaks with Barrett's brother, Magnum, about his experiences. One day, he accidentally locked himself into one of the solitary confinement rooms and began screaming once he felt a dark presence near him.
Girls' Dormitory
The foyer into the girls’ dormitory is now lined with photos of the Olsen family who live inside the school.
On the Lam
Children regularly escaped from the school. They were often picked up in town and returned, but some were never seen again. In early November of 1947, there were a total of six boys and four girls on the lam from multiple escape incidents.
Solitary Confinement
The isolation rooms paint a chilling picture.
Broken Glass
Shattered glass to go along with the shattered dreams of countless children who attended this haunted school. Watch where you step...
The Infirmary
A view of the infirmary building located on the property. Inside this building we have no doubt some of the sick children succumbed to their illnesses. You can feel the air of sadness inside.
Patients Never Left
The owners have turned the infirmary into a Halloween spook alley each October. They’ve incorporated the old X-Ray machine and operating room into the theme. Consistently, the ghost of a little girl is reported in this building.
Unforgettable EVPs
Some of the EVPs captured here by the crew have to be heard to be believed.
Building in Decay
Parts of the building are crumbling — one can only imagine the state of the property when children lived on these grounds.
The Old Cemetery
There’s a cemetery tucked away near the canal at the back of this property that holds the almost-forgotten remains of over 20 children who died here, and whose family either didn’t want them, or lacked the means to give them a proper burial.
Acres of Despair
When you consider the acres of sadness and despair on this land for over a century, it’s no wonder this place is so haunted.
Lockdown Time
Are you ready for the lockdown? Ghost Adventures premieres Saturday at 9|8c.