Ghost Adventures: Mount Wilson Ranch
Zak and the crew land outside of Pioche, Nevada, to investigate a mysterious ranch known for its concentration of supernatural energy and countless reports of extraterrestrial activity.
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Ghost Adventures Crew
The crew are at the Mount Wilson Ranch near Pioche, Nevada.
Remote Location
Mount Wilson Ranch is in a town with only a few houses and a whole lot of desert. This is a location so remote that no one can hear you scream.
Haunted Town
The old ranch is not only haunted by Native Americans and cowboys, but has had reports of UFO activity.
Robert Bigelow
The ranch was once owned by business mogul Robert Bigelow, the founder of the National Institute for Discover Science (an organization dedicated to studying the paranormal and extraterrestrial). Bigelow originally purchased it due to its history of intense paranormal activity.
UFO Portal
According to the ranch's current owner, Jeffrey MacBurnie, Bigelow believes Mt. Wilson is a UFO portal and there may possibly be a base inside the mountain.
Close Encounters
This area may be home to UFO activity because Groom Lake and Area 51 are only 100 miles away from the ranch.
Unexplained Sightings
Neighbors report having seen unexplained lights in the sky and hearing strange sounds rushing beneath the ground.
Witnesses Speak Out
Zak interviews a camera-shy neighbor of the Mount Wilson Ranch who says she's heard music from the 30s and 40s coming through a static radio. According to her, the music continues to play even when nobody is there.
Paranormal Activity
She’s experienced various paranormal encounters during her time in the area. She was once locked in the ice room and panicked; she vowed never to go back inside there alone again
Early Homesteads
Some of the earliest settlers of the region around the ranch were Mormons who ventured out from Salt Lake City, Utah. There was a homestead here almost 200 years ago.
The Saloon
The saloon features a bar that dates back to the mid-1800s. It’s the paranormal hotspot of this complex, so the crew will be checking the physical bar looking for spirit attachments.
Guests have not only experienced apparitions, but have had objects thrown at them and have heard voices arguing in the middle of the night.
Negative Energy
Some town locals have felt negative energy in this bathroom and refuse to re-enter at night.
Physical Attacks
Visitors have seen Native American figures walk by them at night, shadows out of the corners of their eyes, and have even had spirits physically grab them.
Lockdown Time
At the Mt. Wilson Ranch, the crew are searching for evidence of spirits that are tied to this land as well as transient ghosts who may just be passing through. Don't miss Saturday's all-new lockdown at 9|8c.