Don Wildman examines a lantern that guided a teenage girl on a quest to save lives, a homemade barrel used in a stunt, and a small metal fragment salvaged from a near-catastrophic disaster.
Don Wildman examines a poker chip that bore witness to one of Las Vegas's greatest atrocities, a 1970s police cruiser with a bizarre past and a battered Civil War sword rumored to have special powers.
Host Don Wildman examines a trunk that may be evidence of a historic journey through Death Valley, a group of bricks from a Civil War prison break, and a human scalp that tells an astounding tale of frontier bravery.
Don Wildman examines a trunk that holds the secrets of an unlikely killer, a collection of mysterious debris that may be proof of alien intelligence and a curious orb that tells the story of the rise and fall of a bizarre cult.
Don Wildman examines a revolutionary plow that sowed the seeds of a terrifying disaster, a primitive plane that challenges the history of flight and a deceptive coin that's designed to kill.
Host Don Wildman examines an antique doll tied to a woman’s confounding and tragic demise, an experiment gone awry that ignites the world of fashion and an audacious publicity stunt that ends in disaster.
Host Don Wildman inspects a hunk of concrete tied to the rise and fall of a Los Angeles hero, a taxidermied dog that prowled the lines in World War I and an antique gaming table said to be imbued with a sinister curse.
In Elysburg, Pennsylvania, the Anthracite Mining Museum contains a makeshift device rigged from a parachute harness and coveralls that played a role in a dangerous mine rescues. The California Surf Museum is home to a styrofoam and fiberglass surfboard with a large chunk missing, bitten off by a ferocious shark. And at the National Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington, DC is a crude metal device that represents a daring and explosive bank heist.
Host Don Wildman examines a preserved mass of human tissue at the center of an American political scandal, a massive skull from a man-eating beast, and a meteorite that was once part of an improbable heist.
Host Don Wildman examines a pair of handcuffs that once bound the wrists of an unlikely criminal, a dress worn by a socialite at the center of a shocking crime, and a leather bag used in a legendary prison escape.
Host Don Wildman examines a dress worn by the star of an infamous Hollywood movie with a cursed past, a lump of gray clay that spawned one of America’s most iconic toys, and a faded brown document from a murder case that inspired a chilling literary classic.
Don Wildman examines a set of books that contain a haunting tale told from beyond the grave, a primate involved in early space exploration, and a bottle of alcohol believed to compel drinkers to commit acts of violence.
Host Don Wildman examines a wooden detonator used in an explosive railway robbery, a video camera that captured a bizarre, unexplained phenomenon and the massive skull of a legendary beast said to terrorize the seas.
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