Mysteries: Noah’s Ark Pictures
Did Noah's ark really exist? Who was responsible for America's first bank robbery? Don Wildman investigates these mysteries and more.
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The biblical story of the epic flood that led Noah to build his famous ark is thought by some to be based on a historic event in which rising sea levels submerged huge portions of Turkey. Could this formation be physical proof of the legendary tale?
At the Wyatt Archaeological Museum in Cornersville, TN, visitors can see a giant slab of rock unearthed from the hills of Turkey which some believe is fossilized proof of a biblical vessel.
Could this fossil be proof that Noah’s ark existed?
At the Salon de Magie in Loveland, OH, amidst relics and artifacts from magic’s rich history, a series of fantastical photos tell of 2 young girls who offered evidence of mystical creatures and whose claims sparked a wave of controversy.
Did the 2 young girls really photograph fairies, or was it all a hoax?
At the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, DC, one commonplace can of corn tells an unlikely story of invention that helped usher in a consumer revolution.
On June 26, 1974, at a test supermarket in Troy, OH, a shopping basket filled with items, like this can of corn, are scanned for the first time with what is now called a barcode -- invented by Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver.
At the Marin History Museum in San Rafael, CA, a tattered and time-worn briefcase in the collection once belonged to an eccentric doctor who performed gruesome and controversial surgeries.
During his tenure as a medical officer at San Quentin State Penitentiary, Dr. Leo Stanley performed a number of testicle graft surgeries on patients … all in the hopes of reversing aging.
At the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, PA, an 8-foot-tall oil painting portrays a workingman who became embroiled in a historic heist that sent the nation into hysteria.
In 1798, blacksmith Pat Lyon was convicted of the first bank robbery in US history and served time in jail for the crime. But was he really the culprit?
Located deep within the secure archives of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, DC, a reel-to-reel tape recorder from the early 1990s was once wielded by an informant who helped expose a massive corporate conspiracy while damning himself in the process.