Mysteries: Psychic Horse, Pulaski Axe Pictures
From a horse with mystical powers to a deceptive science experiment, Don Wildman investigates the stories behind the mysterious artifacts.
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This small memorandum contains notes that document a remarkable equine phenomenon: a horse with a seemingly supernatural ability that captivated the country.
The memo book can be found at the Rhine ESP/Parapsychology Museum in Durham, NC, which is home to various pieces of equipment that document the study of parapsychology over the past 70 years.
On display at Connecticut’s Naugatuck Historical Society is a slab of strange material that is linked to one of history’s most monumental manufacturing achievements in history: the discovery of vulcanization.
Connecticut’s Naugatuck Historical Society, located in an old train station, chronicles many of the high points in Naugatuck’s history, including Charles Goodyear’s discovery of vulcanization.
This unique tool, known as the Pulaski Axe, was invented to protect people in one of man’s most perilous professions: firefighting.
The Wallace District Mining Museum in Wallace, ID, tells the story behind the Pulaski Axe and how it developed from the exploits of a heroic man, who bravely saved the men in his command from near-certain death.
This piece of evidence was used in an explosive case of domestic terrorism. But what role did a seemingly simple box play in a series of attacks delivered through the mail?
This seemingly innocuous box can be found at the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC, which is dedicated to the preservation of the postal service’s history with exhibitions of stamps, machinery and other artifacts.
This everyday utensil was once considered to be a symbol of one of the biggest breakthroughs in science, but it also represents one man’s dogged persistence to expose a greater truth about experiments in a controversial field.
The spoon can be found among the books and artifacts related to the paranormal at the James Randi Educational Foundation in Los Angeles, which is dedicated to exposing paranormal fraud.
This enigmatic wooden carving of a woman once adorned a vessel on a mission to solve a dramatic and bone-chilling Arctic mystery.
The Elisha Kent Kane Historical Society in New York City, where this carving is housed, preserves artifacts of nineteenth-century Artic exploration, most significantly, that of Sir John Franklin, whose expedition ended fatally.