Season 1, Episode 21


Samantha is off to discover why so many people go cuckoo for a certain composer and where the sight of alpine mountains makes travelers jump for joy- it's the city of Salzburg! Travelers come to this Austrian destination to experience the atmosphere of a perfectly preserved Baroque city. Its story book architecture and small pocket size, really makes it irresistible. Salzburg is also a city with a strong music tradition, basically the production of one man - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and even though he's been decomposing for the last 200 years, his memory is almost as strong and unbelievable as say Elvis in Memphis, Tennessee. Samantha starts her tour of Salzburg, where else but the home of Mozart, where she discovers that even though he was a musical genius he enjoyed his downtime by playing small wooden musical toys for his family- Sam tries a tune on her own! Having never said "no" to shopping Samantha heads to the distinctive street of Getreidegasse, it's significant for its hanging iron picture signs (this is because back in the day very few people could read), and today it remains a law for shops on this street to continue that tradition- even McDonalds! Samantha gets a fashion lesson in Austrian culture by modeling a drindle, a traditional Austrian dress. Now when you're traveling to a foreign country you don't often get this next experience, but in Salzburg it's where locals go for a casual meal- Sam is actually having dinner in a working farmhouse where generations of the same family prepare you specialties of the region and everything is homemade from the farm- they are known as Baurnrasts! Samantha also finds something so unmistakably Austrian yet so deeply woven into the fabric of our own country that to miss it would be absolutely un-patriotic- the Sound of Music Tour! The biggest shock for Samantha was finding out from her guide that most Austrians don't know the Sound of Music, and that it only aired for the first time on TV here in 2001! Salzburg, Austria is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, but what Samantha enjoys most about this small city is that through all the push for tourism Salzburg remains a real place- meeting real people and doing what they normally do but in another part of the world well- well, those are some of Samantha's favorite things!
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