Top 5 States For UFO Sightings

While every state has its share of UFO sightings, these five seem to be hotbeds of alien activity.

David Wall

Ben Hansen’s UFO Witness team crisscrosses the country to find the real stories behind UFO encounters. Here are five states with the most reported UFO sightings.


Idaho once held the record for most UFO sightings per capita, a statistic that the Idaho director of the Mutual UFO Network said was attributable to Idaho’s location downwind from nuclear testing sites in the Nevada desert. In 2020, residents in Pocatello spotted six flying orbs over the mountains.


Big Sky Country’s most famous UFO sighting came in 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base when a flying saucer with a glowing red light hovering near the base’s gates caused nuclear warheads to be knocked offline. One of the Air Force members working that night was forced to sign an NDA the next day.

New Hampshire

If the Roswell incident brought UFO lore to the mainstream, then the September 1961 abduction of Barney and Betty Hill from New Hampshire’s White Mountains made UFOs a household name. The pair recalled being chased by strange lights on a dark mountain road before getting home at dawn. Later, a psychiatrist would help them recover memories of what happened during an unexplainable loss of time.


UFO sightings in Maine have been increasing, according to the Bangor Daily News. Since 2006, reported sightings have risen sharply with a record of 103 reports in 2012. In 2020, there were 71 reports of UFOs in the Pine Tree State. An April 2022 report from residents in Lyman outlines a three-minute span of time when an object changed shape and color multiple times as it hovered over a house before zooming away.

New Mexico

While UFOs have been recorded for most of human history, the 1947 Roswell incident is the most well-known case of UFOs making contact in the United States. It is believed that a flying saucer of some kind crashed, though the government changed its official story several times in the following days. Today, New Mexico is home to an annual UFO Festival.

Where else will Ben Hansen’s team find evidence of extraterrestrial activity? Find out on UFO Witness, streaming on discovery+.


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