Two friends play a deadly game when they summon a ghost using six spirit boards, a school in Ireland becomes a paranormal playground after-hours and a young man can't contain himself when he is treated for a voodoo curse.
An angry poltergeist turns one young man's evening of pet-sitting into a night of survival, a household struggles to accept a ghostly new member of the family and a shocked mother catches a spirit watching her little boy.
A man's terrifying supernatural experiences in his hotel don't stop there, two women witness the spirit of a little boy playing a trick on them and a man makes the biggest mistake of his life when he opens a box that unleashes something otherworldly.
Married paranormal investigators are frozen in fear when a spirit possesses the wife, a family is convinced they are being visited by the ghost of their late dog and a man is attacked by his own dinnerware when he antagonizes an entity.
A woman falls in love with the ghost of a 300-year-old pirate, a young man continues to be surrounded by meddling spirits for nearly a decade and two different men capture utterly remarkable footage of unidentified flying objects.
A poltergeist wreaks havoc on a little girl's birthday party, paranormal investigators unwittingly trap an evil spirit inside a doll and a man captures chilling footage of an entity walking through walls.
A man gravely regrets unleashing a demonic entity from a sealed box, a pub seems to have a resident ghost and a pastor is on a mission to exorcise as many demons as possible.
A former skeptic endures ten years of paranormal phenomena in his home, a man believes an angry spirit is punishing him for filming in an abandoned asylum and a young woman finds true love -- with her doll.
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