Friends head to Pattaya, Thailand, to bungee jump off a 20-story crane at 70 mph. Then, riders in Missouri take on one of the fastest wooden roller coasters ever built and thrill seekers ...
Hip-hop dancers head to Florida to take on a drop tower that propels them 335 feet down at 60 mph. Then, co-workers in Texas are suspended in the air before falling 130 feet into a net, and ...
Friends reconnect with their inner child while dropping 30 stories on Canada's tallest and fastest roller coaster. Then, soccer mates in France ride a bike off a 90-foot ski jump, and ...
Friends face their fears on North America's largest zip line in Whistler, B.C. Then, actors brave a coaster in Pennsylvania where the floor is ripped out from underneath, and thrill seekers ...
Adrenaline junkies whip off a 164-foot-high bridge in Taupo, New Zealand, spin like a top on a pendulum swing in Vancouver, Canada, and fly down a drop that is steeper than steep in ...
Longtime friends screech down a record-breaking roller coaster in Ohio, while surfing buddies plunge off the top of the food chain in South Africa. And riders thunder down New Zealand's ...
Thrill seekers in South Africa let out big screams as they jump off a 288-foot-high catwalk and swing up to 80 mph in a former World Cup stadium. Then, riders take on a roller coaster in ...
Thrill seekers in New Zealand base jump from an observation deck and plummet 630 feet without a parachute. Then, adrenaline junkies rappel down an ancient mountain in South Africa and try ...
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